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 DIANA-Rest Services
The REST services can be accessed directly or programmatically. A brief description and examples is provided for each available web service:

DIANA-microT-ANN (v4) Web Service

This REST service can access the DIANA-microT-ANN (v4) web server and identify microRNAs (miRNAs) predicted to target selected genes OR gene targets of selected miRNAs. The user can add 1 or more miRNAs AND/OR 1 or more genes.
The base case is the selection of only one miRNA OR only one gene.
In this case, the server identifies all targeted genes by the selected miRNA or all the miRNAs predicted to target the selected gene.
This case is extended by adding more miRNAs or genes. If the user specifies miRNAs and genes of interest, the server will identify which of the selected genes are targeted by the selected miRNAs. Parameterization
The user can specify:
Genes and miRNAs belonging to Homo sapiens (human), Mus musculus (mouse), Caenorhabditis elegans - C. elegans (nematode / roundworm), Drosophila melanogaster (common fruit fly).
Prediction threshold: A cut off value for presented predictions, ranging from 0.3 to 1.
Homo sapiens: The suggested thresholds are: 0.7 (sensitive analysis), 0.8 (default), 0.9 (stringent).
Mus musculus: The suggested threshold are: 0.6 (sensitive analysis), 0.7 (default), 0.8 (stringent)
miRNAs are added after the base URL, using miRNAs= and the selected miRNAs are divided by space. Valid names are miRBase 18+ nomenclature miRNA names and/or MIMAT ids (miRBase mature miRNA ids).
mirnas=dme-let-7-5p dme-let-7-3p
For genes, the selector is genes= and ENSEMBL gene ids devided by space can be used to specify selected miRNAs.
genes=FBgn0086758 FBgn0259750
The score cut-off value is selected by using the threshold identifier.

DIANA-microT-CDS (v5) Web Service

DIANA-microT-CDS service follows the exact syntax as DIANA-microT v4, with the exception that only ENSEMBL ids can be used for miRNAs. The syntax is quite straightforward.

DIANA-TarBase v2.0 Web Service

This is a REST service to query directly DIANA-TarBase v6.0 the largest available database indexing manually curated experimentally validated miRNA-gene interactions.
The user can query using a gene name / ENSEMBL gene ID (preferred) OR miRNA name (miRBase 18+ nomenclature) / MIMAT ID.
Multiple miRNAs OR genes can be queried at a time (queried values should be separated by comma characters).

DIANA-miRPath v2.1 Web Service

This service queries DIANA-miRPath server and identifies significantly targeted pathways by the selected miRNA(s).
The miRNA-gene interactions can be derived directly from TarBase, or can be computationally predicted using DIANA-microT-CDS.
The user can enter more than one miRNAs in each query (miRNA names OR MIMAT ids are separated by space characters).
DIANA miRPath in this case identifies significantly targeted pathways by the combinatorial effect of the selected miRNAs.
The web server can combine multiple miRNAs by:
Calculating the Union of Targeted Genes (Gene Union), Gene Intersection, the Union of Targeted Pathways by a meta-analysis algorithm (Pathways Union) and the Intersection of Targeted Pathways by a meta-analysis algorithm (Pathways Intersection).
Users can select:
attribute [identifier in the REST service]
miRNA(s) [mirnas]: using miRNA name (miRBase 18+ nomenclature) OR MIMAT IDs
miRNA-gene interaction identification method [methods]: Tarbase OR microT-CDS
species [species]: human, mouse.
method for multiple miRNA result combination [selection]: 0 (genes union), 1 (genes intersection), 2 (pathways union), 3 (pathways intersection)
Soft intersection (gene intersections can be counted as a valid when a gene is targeted by miRNAs>= than the selected cut-off. Works only in the case of selection=1 / genes intersection) [inter_mir]: from 0 up to number of provided miRNAs (hard intersection)
microT prediction threshold [threshold]: ranges from 3 (minimum), up to 1 (maximum)
False Discovery Rate significance level [false_rate]: 0 (true)/ 1 (false)
Use Conservative Statistics [stats]: true / false